Virginia Beach portrait and lifestyle photographer specializing in comfortable portraits and candids

Alisandra Photography Blog




June 6, 2012

  1. katie says:

    Your birthday sounds great!! I think instead of birthdays being some achievement to look forward to, that now they will be milestones of great things you achieved during that year ๐Ÿ™‚ I think your images are great without the watermark! It’s such a tough decision!

  2. Happy birthday, Alibear!! What a wonderful set of things to do. I’m seeing SW & the Huntsman on Friday — can’t wait!!!

  3. Erin Schrad says:

    My mom and I saw SW on Friday… I thought it was great, too! Glad to see you had a happy birthday!!!

  4. JoAnna says:

    Happy Birthday Ali!!! Looks like a perfect day, here’s to a perfect 26th year ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. ali thompson says:

    happy birthday!!
    2 tickets in 15 min?! that’s impressive!

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